Acupuncturist | Craniosacral Therapist | Naturopath | Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Acupuncture aids the natural healing mechanisms of the body, by helping to boost and move energy, improve immunity and calm and relax the body and mind.

Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch, holistic therapy that encourages the body's natural healing response. Gentle and powerful, it can be used to treat a range of physical and mental imbalances in everyone from newborns through to the elderly.

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health based on the philosophy that the body has the inate ability to heal itself. Using gentle therapies and remedies, the body and the mind are supported and encouraged to rebalance and heal.

Dru yoga is a gentle, flowing form of yoga that focuses on the breath, a strong core, strength and flexibility, and balance in mind, body and spirit. Dru means stillness! Classes are suitable for all abilities from beginners to experienced students.